
Below are testimonials from people who our organization has served.

My name is Ketia Pacot, I am a teenager with Christian values, a student, and an orphan. I live with my aunt and uncle. Since 2020 AJM INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION has given me the opportunity to pursue my career. With the help of God and the foundation I hope to be a great professional in the future. I pray to God that the foundation continues to grow to help me and other needy children like me. - Ketia Pacot

I am a young Christian. Today I am a doctor, thank God, and I have AJM International Foundation to thank. AJM International Foundation has been a blessing in my life. Since 2013, they came to me with the purpose of helping me with my studies, basic and university. Today, I can thank God and the AJM International Foundation for being part of my professional and Christian training. AJM International Foundation is a great family with a noble heart and willing to help young people like me, low-income, orphan, etc. I hope that this foundation will always be for those young people and children most in need. - Paula Chauvette

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